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Website Design Digital Marketing Branding Apps + Touchscreens


Using Digital Experiences to Connect with Patrons

Technology is helping nonprofits connect with patrons now more than ever. But for some, this may be uncharted territory. Regardless of your size or budget, there are many ways you can leverage the power of tech to engage your patrons onsite, or from a distance. Here are some of our favorite examples to get you inspired.

Lake View Cemetery's "Entrepreneurs of Cleveland" virtual tour works onsite as a guide, but also serves to engage visitors from afar on desktop computers.

Virtual Tours are an engaging way that organizations are using technology to connect with patrons, such as the virtual tour we developed and designed for Lake View Cemetery to help them attract visitors and patrons. On mobile devices, the location-aware tours provide real-time guidance and information about points of interest throughout the cemetery's 285 acres. The experience features historical photos and voiceover narration, 360° panoramas, highlighted routes, GPS guidance, walk/drive times, and interactive 3D satellite maps. Designed to reach the widest possible audience, the tours work on any smartphone as well as on desktop computers so that on-site visitors -- as well a those visiting virtually from afar -- can explore the history and monuments of Lake View. Learn more about the project here or try it out yourself here.

Akron Art Museum's "Dot"

Virtual docents
are a great alternative to in-person tour guides. We helped the Akron Art Museum create a virtual guide to take visitors through a choose-your-own-adventure style experience using Facebook Messenger. Read the full case study to learn more. Visitors use their own devices to avoid contact with shared touchscreens. Virtual docents can also guide a fully digital exhibition so patrons can enjoy the curated experience at home.

Ursuline Sisters' Gamified "Donation Station"

Gamified giving can create excitement and encourage participation. We concepturalized and created this Kentucky Derby-themed donation game to make giving more fun by allowing donors to "compete" against each other during the process. When a group of donors swipes their credit cards using a DipJar device, they are assigned a horse– When all donations are in, the horses race. The winner doesn't get a wreath of roses, but they do get to feel great about giving.

Touchscreen educational games for school-age children aboard the Cleveland Metroparks "NatureTracks" mobile classroom

Online games are popular digital engagement tools. We created a series of touchscreen educational games for school-age children for use aboard the Cleveland Metroparks "NatureTracks" mobile classroom, and we adapted the games for use on desktop computers during COVID lockdowns. Read our full case study on the project.

The Inventors Hall of Fame enhances the educatonal value of their permanent exhbitions through fun touchscreen quizzes.

Interpretive touchscreens help visitors gain perspective and retain what they have learned at the Inventors Hall of Fame. These fun quizes enhance the educational value of their permanent Intellectual Property exhibition through touchscreen quizzes. These engaging touch screens prompt visitors to imagine themselves as an inventor, learn about contemporary inventors, and develop an understanding of innovation as t applies to intellectual property.

Contact us to learn how we can help you attract visitors, add educational value to your exhibitions, and engage donors wth digital interactive experiences.

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