Online donations are on the rise, so it’s more important than ever to have a donate page that inspires giving. Here are 5 tips to ensure your donate page is a revenue-generating machine.
1. Visualize Impact
Immersive imagery can engage donors and help them envision the impact of their gift, such as our donate pages for Catholic Charities Diocese of Cleveland and Allen Art Museum. We also often use simple messaging to help donors correlate gift amounts to fulfilling a specific need, as we did on the LifeAct donate page.
2. Make it Easy
Your donate page must be easy to use. Forms should be as short as possible, uncluttered, and easy to read. Make it even easier for new donors to give by suggesting donation amounts at many levels, like this example at Great Lakes Theater. Statistics show that mobile donations account for a large percentage of online giving, and that statistic is growing, so remember to check your donate page on a mobile device to ensure it looks good on all platforms.
3. Provide options
Make the donation experience effortless by suggesting common gift amounts. Provide the option to set up recurring monthly or yearly donations, too. Donors also appreciate the option to give anonymously, give in memory of someone, or designate their gift to a special project. If this makes sense for your organization, include a drop-down option on your form that allows donors to direct how their gift is used, like we did for the Cleveland Zoological Society.
4. Promote your page
To increase traffic to your donation page, remember to include a direct link on relevant social media posts and email campaigns. Make sure your call-to-action is both inspiring and clear.
5. Give thanks
Thank your donors immediately. Display a big "thank you" screen after the donation is complete, and send an automated "thank you" email, too. Connecting immediately with new donors via email and remaining in constant contact with them helps encourage repeat donations. Learn more about sending effective emails here.
Contact us if you need help increasing revenue through your donation page.