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Website Design Digital Marketing Branding Apps + Touchscreens

backUnited Way of Southwest Virginia

Rebuilding a Region

Serving nearly 20% of the state, United Way of Southwest Virginia fights for the health, education, and financial stability of every person in the region. We guided the United Way team and their stakeholders through a consensus-building discovery process that informed our overhaul of their online presence. The result is a strategic website that engages partners, reaches donors, and resonates with the community.

Services Provided

  • Content Strategy + Architecture
  • Website Design + Development
  • Customized CMS
  • Responsive Design
Rebuilding a Region


It was important for UWSWVA that its website would be easy for its various stakeholders to use. With a clear understanding of their audiences, needs, and goals, our web design team created a strategic site structure with a vibrant and distinctive visual tone. The staff can update their own site content, and access for individuals can be restricted based on login credentials.


Our navigation design for the site creates a simple user experience on desktop as well as mobile devices. A clear visual structure prevents users from getting lost, and strategic calls-to-action quickly lead them to the most important content. 


Even in the most content-heavy areas of the site, our visual design makes it easy and fun for visitors to locate what they're looking for. And on the back end, we created specially tailored content management tools for the staff that align with their needs and unique workflow.


Our visual design team began with the existing UW brand visuals but expanded upon them; we introduced lively new elements and seconary colors that revived their brand without reinventing it. The end result is a hopeful new tone for the organization's online presence.

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