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Website Design Digital Marketing Branding Apps + Touchscreens

backThe Music Settlement

fostering skills

The Music Settlement aims to unlock potential in everyone through music, movement, and art. We are deploying our expertise in web development and digital marketing to help this unique school increase enrollment and amplify its mission. Within a year after launch, the new website yielded a 59% increase in online donations and ticket sales.

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Services Provided

  • Content Strategy + Architecture
  • Website Design + Development
  • Customized CMS
  • Third-Party Integrations
  • Digital Marketing Strategy
  • Google Display Ads
  • Analytics, Reporting + Consulting
fostering skills

We worked with the Music Settlement to create a bright, welcoming website that helps the public quickly understand what the Settlement does, who it serves, and why its work is important. Behind the scenes, we installed powerful, custom content management tools that enable the Settlement staff to update their content. Our developers also seamlessly integrated the front-end of the website with TMS's existing third-party courses system, dramatically cutting down on errors and administrative time. Impactful design, strategic flow, and advanced code combine in a memorable web presence for this unique education center.  

fostering skills

Simple to use + update

The strategic site structure guides visitors to enroll, inquire, and donate. Sophisticated code seamlessly pulls course offerings and other content from third party systems. This enables the staff to enter course offerings in one place and the data will dynamically flow through to the front end of the website. 


We devised and deployed a multi-channel digital marketing strategy to help The Music Settlement reach prospective students. Our team provides content and channel approach, ad spend recommendations, and campaign deployment across all channels. Our ongoing analysis and consulting ensure the campaigns continue to perform throughout the year. 

Cohesive collateral

Special campaign fundraising mailers and a suite of stationery help elevate the Music Settlement's brand visuals.

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