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Website Design Digital Marketing Branding Apps + Touchscreens

backNear West Theatre

Lifting Voices

We are helping Near West Theatre engage and embolden diverse people, tell their story, promote programs, and increase revenue online. Built upon incisive information strategy, our website for the Theatre uses strategic calls to action and easy navigation to guide visitors toward donating, purchasing tickets, and getting involved. The site is powered by our user-friendly CMS, so it's is easy for Theatre staff to update and maintain their content. And of course, if NWT ever needs help, advisement, or new website features, our support team is ready to serve.

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Services Provided

  • Content Strategy + Architecture
  • Website Design + Development
  • Online Donations + Ecommerce
  • Customized CMS
  • Third-Party Integrations
  • Responsive Design
  • Maintenance + Tech Support

Online giving grew from 21% to 67%! That increase clearly points to the efficacy in your creation of a beautiful and functional donation platform! So, thank you! Every day I am grateful for this new platform and the support FORM continually offers.”

Near West Theatre

Lifting Voices

Easy Donations

We created a donate page that reminds visitors why they should support the Theatre and makes it easy for them to give. Users can donate in memory or honor of someone, and can set up monthly or yearly gifts as well.

Distinctive Design

Our design team created a distinctive treatment for the theatre's shows listings with run dates and promo artwork prominently featured. Special events can be automatically promoted in various locations throughout the site, and a sleek calendar design makes it easy for ticket purchasers to browse available dates.

Lifting Voices

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