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We want to help.

We know you’re a nonprofit champion and you're crushing it. But imagine what you could do with our team of experts behind you. Let’s get together to help your nonprofit grow.

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Learn from our nonprofit experts

This fall, our team of nonprofit pros will share tips and tactics at upcoming conferences. From website accessibility to mission-driven branding, we're excited to share advice and insights to help nonprofits of all sizes improve their reach and amplify their missions. We hope you'll join us!

Visitor Experience Group Conference

Cleveland, OH | October 13, 2022, 3:15 PM with FORM's Katelyn Gerber + Rachel Kribbs

Put your Donor Data to Work! Using Data and Digital Tools to Improve Donor Acquisition

Discover tactics for growing your donor base! Join us at the Cleveland Museum of Art on October 13 for the #VEX22 Visitor Experience Group conference where we will present our session, "Put your Donor Data to Work! Using Data and Digital Tools to Improve Donor Acquisition."

We will show you how to use the data you already have to unlock your donor acquisition potential. Combined with digital marketing tools and best practices, discover tactics for strategically growing your donor base with ease.

• Marketing best practices related to personas, data appends, and social media targeting
• Data-informed strategies for identifying new prospective donors
• Tips for time-saving strategies for donor acquisition

• Analyze and leverage their own donor data to craft fundraising strategies,
• Learn digital marketing best practices related to donor acquisition.
• Identify areas for improvement in their existing donor acquisition tactics.

Learn more and register for VEX22 here.

Keystone Nonprofit Conference

Erie, PA | October 24-25, 2022 | with FORM's Katelyn Gerber, Rachel Kribbs, and Teresa Kiplinger

• Check Yourself: A Guide to Website Accessibility Audits
| 10/25/22 @10-11:30AM

A nonprofit’s website has become one of its most important tools for engaging communities. It has evolved from simply a mechanism to share basic information, to perhaps the only way in which audiences are able to interact and engage with key programs and services. Never has there been a more critical time to ensure that your website is fully accessible and inclusive. Oftentimes, leadership teams aren’t sure where to start - this session will give them that starting point.

In this session, we’ll start by defining web accessibility and who it benefits. We’ll discuss the WCAG set of accessibility standards, how to interpret them, and how to ensure your organization's compliance.

Then, we’ll work through the 10 most common web accessibility standards complete with examples as well as an explanation of why each standard is important.

Lastly, we’ll unveil and demonstrate how to use a simple, yet effective tool for evaluating your own website’s accessibility. This tool is designed to be used by staff with no coding or website maintenance knowledge, which can then be provided to the appropriate team of individuals who can start implementing changes right away.

We believe that an accessible website is a crucial piece of a broader effort toward inclusion. Yet, with limited staff time and resources, can be a big undertaking. This session will empower nonprofits to take actionable steps toward what may be viewed as an insurmountable task.

As a result of attending this workshop, organizations will:

  • Outcome 1: ...grow their base of supporters.
  • Outcome 2: viewed as more inclusive and accessible.
  • Outcome 3: ...implement strategies and processes for continually auditing and improving their website’s accessibility.
  • Outcome 4:...feel motivated and empowered to make continuous improvements toward web accessibility.

More Than Your Logo: Branding 101 for Nonprofits | 10/25/22 @12:15-3:30PM

Branding for nonprofits is often overlooked but done right, it can have a powerful impact on building trust, inspiring support, increasing revenue, and securing your organization’s future. If you are not sure how or why branding is important for your nonprofit, join this session to learn the basics of a strong, resilient brand, as well as how to remain authentic to your nonprofit’s brand during times of change.

In this session, we’ll help you determine if your nonprofit has an “accidental” brand, and if so, how you can leverage your nonprofit’s strengths to start building a strategic brand with intention. Participants will walk away with tactics for building and improving their brand that they can start implementing right away with very few resources.

Participants will be able to:

  • Articulate the 5 hallmarks of a strong brand
  • Define their key audience(s)
  • Approach brand messaging and visuals
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of their logo

Learn more and register for KeyCon here.

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