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4 examples of digital annual reports

Most nonprofit organizations regularly create printed annual reports and strategic plans. But today, they're moving away from the printed format in favor of digital plans and reports.

Online interactive annual reports provide powerful storytelling opportunities that can't be done on the printed page. Today, mission-driven orgs can tell their story and demonstrate their impact in dynamic and powerful new ways – from testimonial videos and animated infographics to to landing page links and calls to give. What's more, digital annual reports can improve your SEO and expand your reach with undiscovered donors. Here are some examples to get your creative annual-report ideas flowing.


PRX moved their annual report into the digital space to create a more engaging experience that would demonstrate its impact and tell its story to supporters. The report uses non traditional navigation, animation, and compelling design for an engaging experience reflective of PRX's position as a digital trailblazer.

University Circle

Cleveland's cultural district, University Circle, created an engaging digital strategic plan to complement its printed annual report to provide a dynamic experience for its community of supporters and funders.

Girls Who Code

Girls Who Code created a visually interesting one-page online report that showcases their content within a scrolling format with subtle animations.

The Water Project

The Water Project's online report uses large images to drive an emotive, storytelling approach.

Do you need help moving your annual report online? Connect with us here to learn more.

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